Photo ID # | 07.18.03_046_POB_WGV_0060_1 |
Car #: | #46 |
Driver (s) : | #Pee Wee Pobletts |
Location: | Williams Grove |
Date: | 1961 |
Photographer: | Bruce Craig |
Photo provided by: | Bill Skinner |
Comments: | Comment provided by Bill Skinner: Photo taken on July 23rd, 1961 |
Visitor's Comments | To add your comments about THIS PHOTO - Click Here | |
Date: | Visitor's Name: | Comment: |
07/19/03 | Jim Murrow | Great looking car! Pee Wee was a regular at Alcyon in the late 50s. He was always a top runner, and a threat to win, but the thing I remember most was that his # 46 cars, like the Skinner 659s, and the 711, of Bob Williams, had a very distinct sound. You could tell it was him, even if you were looking the other way. |
07/20/03 | Russ Dodge | Peewee Pobletts was a fan favorite
at Alcyon. Everyone who ever saw him run remembers his cars as some of the most santitary
and strong running cars to hit the speedway. Peewee never won a feature at Alcyon. He says
he could never master the dog leg of Alcyon's D-shaped track. One night, however, he said
he had the feature won until a late race "nudge" by Ken Marriott took the
victory away. One side note, most of Poblett's cars at Alcyon were blue, blue and white, or gold and white. He did , however, later have a coupe painted as in the picture, red and white. The dog leg presented a challenge to the drivers at Alcyon. Some never mastered it. One of the best stories about the dog leg was told to me by Bob (Phil) Gemenden. Gemenden, who started his career at Alcyon while a senior in high school, managed the dog leg quite well from the start. One night in the heat he was following the accomplished Johnny Roberts. He saw that Johnny was not running the dog leg on the best line. Bob passed Johnny on the last lap of the heat. When the race was over Bob felt good about passing Roberts unit Johnny came down smiling and put his arm around him and said "Thanks, boy, I was having trouble back there until you showed me how to do it." A young Bob Gemenden had a learning experience that night. One that taught him never to show your ace card until it's really important. You know the results in the feature go without saying; Johnny Robert won the feature. Thanks, Russ Dodge |
07/21/03 | Bill Skinner | Charles "Pee Wee" Pobletts and his wife Fern are two of the nicest people you will ever meet. They still live in the Randlestown, MD area surrounded by their 5 children and their grandchildren who prefer to live close to Mom and Dad. The children, who grew up watching Pee Wee build and drive some very strong race cars, are still very close to their parents and much involved with Pee Wee's restored "Chief Widetrack" 1934 Chevrolet coupe "bug". Thanks, Bill Skinner |
07/26/03 | Jim Brewer | Pee Wee was the best - - his cars were always the cleanest in the pit area and he came to the track every night with an attitude that nobody could beat. My favorite Pee Wee car was the silver Pontiac coupe #46 that he had prepared for the 1964 Langhorne National Open. He ran it at William Grove and Lincoln for several weeks prior to Langhorne with absolutely no hope of doing well. The only goal was to get some seat time in the car and run some bugs out of it. I think it was an earlier version of the car that Larry Jendras called his favorite in "What A Body". |
01/20/07 | Charlie Miller | Pee Wee was always one of the best drivers at any track he raced at. He also always had one of the better looking cars. Pee Wee can still be found at many of the vintage car shows in the Pa. and Md. Area. One of my best memories of him is the fact that he always ran Pontiacs. I wonder if anyone has a picture of his Firebird that ran Reading in the early 70's with Don Riley driving. |
10/26/07 | Carter Ayres. | What a champion. I first saw Pee Wee race
at Dorsey around 1952. I was twelve years old, and it seemed like his coupe, called the
" little red rooster" # 45 I think, was running in or near the front most of the
time. My first stock car hero. I've seen Pee Wee a few times at different tracks over the
years, with his vintage race car, and he always has time to talk with you. Last Sunday, at
the Maryland Stock Car Racing Hall of Fame reunion, I was happy to be able to see, and
talk with him again. A true legend. Thanks, Carter Ayres. |
06/24/08 | Charlie Miller | Is this the same Carter Ayers that used to run the maroon #13 coupe at Lincoln Speedway ! |
09/25/08 | Carter Ayres | It's been awhile since I have been back to this picture of Pee Wee, but to Charlie Miller, yes it's me. We only raced at Lincoln the one summer of 1967. I really enjoyed racing there that summer against some really good drivers like Kenny Weld, Bobby Abel, Rick Schmelyn, Bobby Balintine. The #13 was a 1937 chevy coupe with a bored and strocked 327 chevy small block in it. It was built by Bill Jones of Laurel, Md. Owned by Guy Hicks of Crofton Md. Edsel Thompson maintained the car. We were called heavies against the supers, so they started us in the front at feature time. Lotsa fun. Thanks for asking. Lotsa great memories. Carter. |