Photo ID # | L03.15.15_UNK_UNK_FLM_0060_1 |
Car #: | #not sure - maybe #707? |
Driver (s) : | not sure |
Location: | Flemington Speedway |
Date: | mid 60's |
Photographer: | Ace Lane Sr. |
Photo provided by: | Ace Lane Jr. |
Comments: | Comment: This one has the look of an early #707. Hoping you guy can prove it out one way or the other. |
Visitor's Comments |
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Date: | Visitor's Name: | Comment: |
03.19.15 | Ronnie Guinther | IMO this is the 1963 #707 that Tas took to 37 victories. Also, the gentleman in the front of the car in the white shirt sure looks to me to be a young Bobby Braxton . |
03.19.15 | Mark Yaple |
That sure is Bobby Braxton. He was on Deasey's crew early on and even wheeled the 707 in an afternoon show at East Windsor in the late sixties. Also, on the 707 picture, look at the big guy standing by Braxton. Also, could the guy standing next to Bobby be a young Barry Schenck? He also was a crew member of the 707 in his younger days. I noticed the way the guy in the picture is wearing his shirt, not tucked in, a trademark of Big B. |
03.19.15 | 3-Wide | I thought the same thing about the guy with the shirt tail out, and I know that Big B worked with the Piscopo #39 guys, and that he was a big fan of Al Tasnady. I'll see if I can get Billy Schenck to take a look.... |
03.20.15 |
Ned Stites III |
This is the “Big Donkey” Tas drove in 1963-64. I know he had a hard crash in the 4th turn one night at Flemington going right through the wooden fence. I ran down there to see and the front end was twisted up pretty bad. I don’t remember if it was after that they primered it or not. I do know when it was repainted the numbers were different and our name “Stites Take Out” was not on it. |