"Cairo Speedway Memories Photos"
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Sept. 1974.
Don Goodrich, Ron Narducci, Jack Johnson, Dick Hansen, Gordon Aldrich, Mert Hulbert, Joe Johnson, Jack miller, Tom Athanas, C.D. Coville, and Stan Wetmore

Bruce Carman owned coach driven this day by Bobby Brueckner

#37 Jack Miller in the coupe in the foreground, #61 is C.D. Coville, #X Gordon Aldrich

#8 Mert Hulbert, #9D Don Goodrich

#731 Dick Hansen

#39 Dickie Larkin

#12A Jack Johnson

#32 Joe Johnson

#69 Bobby Green, #57 Ron Johnson

#8 Mert Hulbert, #99 Rene Charland, Tommy Athanas left foreground

#0 Denny Soltis

Mert Hulbert around

Dick Hansen & Stan Wetmore

Jack Johnson leads...

(not sure..)

Mert Hulbert

..into turn 3...

...outta turn 4

Will Cagle

Opening Day "Wall Bash"
August 18, 1974

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Cairo Speedway Memories