"Forever Young"
Nazareth Speedway

Rich Young Photos

Original image from the lens of photographer Rich Young.

Photo ID # L05.08.15_040_CHA_NAZ_0070RY_1
Car #: #40
Driver (s) : Harry Charles
Location: Nazareth Speedway - Nazareth PA
Date: 1960s
Photographer: Rich Young
Photo provided by: Rich Young (Scanner support from Joe Cryan)
Comments: Comment:  Harry Charles in the #40 with "Joes Steak Shop - 274 South Main St - Phillipsburg" on the side.  Must have just rolled this one off the trailer as it still has the rags jammed up inside the shorties.  (I'm told guys did this after the engine was shut down to keep the cold air from rushing inside and warping the exhaust valves... Not sure if that is true but it kind of makes sense I guess.)
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05.12.15 Bob Burd This car has a little bit of history.  I think Camel and maybe Rich and Sparky were at Chet Crane's junk yard when they pulled that 36 chevy coach out.  I think it was the last car that Chet had that was cut up for the track.  I'm going by memory, but I believe Camel went on to say that car was really nice- too nice for a stock car especially in the late 60s.  Soon it would be painted blue, with originally George Sleight and then Russ Stecker as the driver and numbered 2A.  I believe it was the first Walt Garret 2A right before the 39 chevy coupes.
05.14.15 Ricky Rutt

The pappy matlock #40.  His garage/house was located behind Joe's steak shop in Phillipsburg.  His grandson Lew Hann jr.  (square zero Flemington sportsman) currently lives at the residence.

