"Forever Young"
Flemington Speedway

Rich Young Photos

Original image from the lens of photographer Rich Young.

Photo ID # L12.13.15_024_BRN_FLM_0075RY_1
Car #: #24
Driver (s) : Ken Brenn Jr.
Location: Flemington Fair Speedway - Flemington, NJ
Date: 1975
Photographer: Rich Young
Photo provided by: Rich Young
Comments: Comment:  Well...  It sure is a beauty... but I'm not sure who built it.... 

What I do know is that Ken Brenn Sr bought a Budd Olsen modified to close out the 1971 season with Will Cagle behind the wheel for a race, and then Stan Ploski (both won in the Olsen car.) 

In 1972, the Olsen car would become the sportsman rookie car for Kenny Brenn Jr to begin his very successful career, and Stan would have two Floyd Trevis built coupes to run for the 1972 season.  Stan may have also had a Gremlin (built by ?) to drive in the 1972 season, but I'm not 100% sure about that.

In 1973, Ken Brenn Jr. would stay in the sportsman division, but I'm not sure if he was driving the original Olsen built coupe, or if he was in one of the Trevis coupes...  Stan would leave the modified ride sometime late in the 1973, however at some point during that season, I am pretty sure that Stan also drove a #24 Ken Brenn Sr. owned Gremlin that looked kind of like the one above, but not exactly.... 

In 1974, Ken Brenn Jr would begin his modified career, and I think it was behind the wheel of one of the Trevis built coupes, but I'm not sure...  I think he also drove a yellow #24 Gremlin at times as well (non Grant King built).

The above photo is marked 1975, and it has Ken Brenn Jr.'s name on the door.  I am not sure if this was the only car he drove during the 1975 season.

I am pretty sure that Kenny opened the 1976 season behind the wheel of the Grant King built #24 that would follow the car above.  Another Grant King built car would follow.

So... some questions that I have is, is the order listed above correct?  How many different yellow #24 coupes were there (3?)  How many NON GRANT KING BUILT yellow #24 Gremlin's were there?  Who built the non-King Gremlins (Bob Rossell?)  When did Jimmy Brenn begin his career, and in what car did he do so (one of the non- Grant King built Gremlin's, or was his first car a Grant King built car?

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