"Forever Young"
Nazareth Speedway

Rich Young Photos

Original image from the lens of photographer Rich Young.

Photo ID # N03.04.17_093_UNK_NAZ_0075RY_1
Car #: #93
Driver (s) : not sure... Don Hendershot (thanks Jack and Joe!)
Location: Nazareth Speedway - Nazareth PA
Date: 1975
Photographer: Rich Young
Photo provided by: Rich Young and Joe Cryan
Comments: Comment:  Will need your help on who drove this Mustang bodied race car. 
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03.06.17 Joe Cryan I was speaking to Jack Burroughs, and he said the driver of the #93 above is Don Hendershot, and the car was owned by the Riverside Auto body shop in Hackettstown,N.J.
04.26.17 Jack Burroughs

That #93 car from Riverside Auto body in Hackettstown, N.J. with engine by Joe Solomito was sold to a Rob young  of Franklin, N.J.,and run as a sportsman car at Middletown for a few yrs until  it was sold back to someone in the Flemington area.

05.11.17 jonnny bokros #51

Joe , I don’t know who the driver is in the mustang, but I know the coupe and pinto drivers are . airing up the left rear is me, standing to my right is my buddy larry rohling. At the pinto is my buddy Ronnie mills (left) and good friend tom berry (center). Pinto is the j47 of jim martz . I bought the coupe from jim. had to be opening day march 75.   RIP big larry       

