"Forever Young"
Nazareth Speedway

Rich Young Photos

Original image from the lens of photographer Rich Young.

Photo ID # O10.27.18_360_DIF_NAZ_0060RY_1
Car #: #S/360
Driver (s) : Don Diffendorf
Location: Nazareth Speedway - Nazareth PA
Date: 1960's
Photographer: Rich Young
Photo provided by: Rich Young and Joe Cryan
Comments: Comment:  Tough looking coupe driven by Don Diffendorf.  I've read that the car # was related to an early IBM machine...  Maybe someone who was involved with the car back in the day can fill in the rest of the story. 
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Michael E. Monnat

The story behind the number S/360 came from it's original owner Glenn Scott who worked at IBM and was involved with the new Systems 360 computer. Scott drove a bit himself but was definitely not a world beater. During the 1965 season he gave up the seat to Super Modified pilot Billy Yuma from Florida and the car's original color was Turquoise with red numbers

When it didn't really work out with Yuma, Scott hired Diffendorf and the team had three great years together. The car pictured here sat on the outside pole for the inaugural event on the Jerry Fried built 1 1/8 mile track alongside Frankie Schneider. It was essentially an asphalt car but had a good amount of success on the dirt as well. It also finished second behind Stan Ploski in the first Daniel Boone 200 and won three 100 lap opens at the high banks of Lebanon Valley in 1967 and 1968.

So the number #/360 comes from the Systems 360 IBM computer.  

