Favorites From the 60's

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Remember to Click on the each picture to see the full size photo, along with the "Vault Vitals" and Visitor's Comments"on each.

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03.26.03_001_CAR_ALL_0065_1.jpg (42355 bytes)
Rags Carter

03.29.03_039_TAS_ALL_0060_1.jpg (56310 bytes)
Al Tasnady

03.29.03_039_TAS_ALL_0060_2.jpg (44813 bytes)
Line them up...

03.26.03_013_GRE_ALL_0065_1.jpg (70437 bytes)
Tom Green

03.27.03__39_PART_WAL_0068_1.jpg (53444 bytes)
Bob Paterson

03.27.03_056_SHI_EWS_0068_1.jpg (60722 bytes)
Bill Shipman

04.06.03_007_CHE_UNK_0060_1.jpg (54761 bytes)
John Chemidlin
04.26.03_073_McA_PLA_0060_1.jpg (77244 bytes)
Tom McAndrews

04.07.03_007_GRB_UNK_0060_1.jpg (62906 bytes)
Mike Grbac

04.24.03__A3_CRE_FLM_0065_1.jpg (67920 bytes)
Charlie Cregar
04.24.03_008_ADA_REA_0066_1.jpg (47914 bytes)
Freddy Adam

Jack McLaughlin Maul 111, 1960.jpg (50223 bytes)
Jackie McLaughlin


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